MATLAB: Check if a palindrome.


I have the script:
%1. Clear the memory and command window.
%2. Input a string.
string = input('What is your string: ', 's');
%3. Check if the string is a palindrome or not.
if string == fliplr(string);
disp (['The string, ' string ', is a palindrome.'])
disp (['The string, ' string ', is not a palindrome.'])
I want to make it so if the user enters anything but a word for the string it does not run and maybe instead of flipping the string comparing each cell. e.g if letter 1 is the same as the last letter, if letter 2 is the same as the second last letter. This method would be prefered. Also how would i make it so that that i could enter a cell array of striings and a vector of logical values was returned.

Best Answer

Looks almost identical to a question I answered a few days ago You need to cast to lower case and remove spaces. You can use inputdlg() to ask the user for several strings at a time and get a cell array.