MATLAB: Check for missing argument or incorrect argument data type in call to function ‘predict’.

MATLABpredict model values using test data

I am trying to predict values of cross-validated model using training data.But I am getting this error –
Check for missing argument or incorrect argument data type in call to function 'predict'.
The code I am using is as below –
mdlCv= fitctree(bank_Train,'y','KFold',10); %bank_Train is the training data
[label,scores] = predict(mdlCv,bank_Test); %bank_Test is the testing data
If I try to use below code then also I am getting the error
[label,scores] = predict(mdlCv.Trained{1},bank_Test);
Error using classreg.learning.internal.table2PredictMatrix>makeXMatrix (line 97)
Table variable job is not a valid predictor.
Error in classreg.learning.internal.table2PredictMatrix (line 47)
Xout = makeXMatrix(X,CategoricalPredictors,vrange,pnames);
Error in classreg.learning.classif.CompactClassificationTree/predict (line 894)
X = classreg.learning.internal.table2PredictMatrix(X,[],[],…

Best Answer

You are using 'KFold' so you are creating a classification partitioned object and need to use kfoldPredict() instead of predict()