MATLAB: Check Config Error while running the “FM receiver” example in Simulink.

Communications Toolbox

Best Answer

The error is because of the "plutoradioCheckConfig" function in the "init" callback of the model.

The plutoradioCheckConfig function tries to determine if the radio can be set to 100e6 Hz by setting the center frequency to 100e6 and then checking with the info method what the set value is.

It looks like, for some ADALM-PLUTO radios, the value returned by the info method (actual value) is exactly 100e6, but for some it is 99999998. This causes the plutoradioCheckConfig function to wrongly error out.

As a workaround, you can remove this function from the "init" callback and run the example and you should not face any issues.

For more information on model callbacks please refer to the following documentation: