MATLAB: Charecter assignment to variable


Hi guys,
I am trying to assignment a character to variable but I guess the variables values defined to only integers or variable so;
if ı write a =k;
matlab will recognize that a variable equal k variable or value but ı want to write that a variable equal 'k' character only . I need a funtion that can recognize 'k' character;
sentence = [ {h} {e} {l}........ {o} {r} {l} {d}];
for n=1:strlenght(sentence)
for an=1:4
j=charsentence(n); %% this line has to configure ı guess
shortset =[shortset j];
and also guys ,this is inpedendent question, i need a function that can indicate character or other one ı will use in the if condition if j character use or it is not pass.
thank you.

Best Answer

To get the character k in variable a, you don't need a function, you simply need to add quotes around it:
a = 'k';
That's way easier than having a function.
There is also an ischar() function that you might want to know about, as well as isnumeric() and others.
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