MATLAB: Character to variable that already exists in the workspace


I want to make a "for loop" that uses some variables that looks like this: score1, score2, score3,…score21. My problem is that I cannot connect both string 'score' and the number (represented by 'i') as a whole string. the script is:
for i=1:21
[r c]=size(strcat('score', num2str(i)));
for j=2:r
strcat('cscore', num2str(i))(j-1)=strcat('score', num2str(i))(j)+strcat('score', num2str(i))(j-1);
after this, the value of this variable is a 'char' rather that a string.
thank you, Ziv.

Best Answer

Ziv - use sprintf to "concatenate" the number to the string. Try
for k=1:21
str = sprintf('score%d',k);
str will be one of score1, score2, etc. This code will create the variable name and then you will have to evaluate it using (most likely) eval.
But ask yourself is this really necessary? Can't you put all of these scores into a matrix or cell array and so avoid these individual variables? While MATLAB allows you to do the above and evaluate strings etc. it is not usually a good habit to get in to.