MATLAB: ChannelMappingSource property problem in dsp.AudioRecorder


Hi, I'm trying to use the functions dsp.AudioRecorder and dsp.Audioplayer for performing multichannel playback and record. I'm having an issue when I try to manually do the mapping of the channels for these functions
I'm declaring:
har = dsp.AudioRecorder;
and then setting:
but i keep getting the following error
No public field ChannelMappingSource exists for class dsp.AudioRecorder.
Error in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matlab\system\+matlab\+system\setProp.p>setProp
(line 14)
Error in C:\Program
Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matlab\system\+matlab\+system\SystemProp.p>SystemProp.set (line 437)
Can anyone please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?

Best Answer

I just found out that this can only be done in version 2013b not my 2013a student version... hopefully it will be included in the next release!