MATLAB: Changing the xticks in a heatmap to a datetime ticks

datetime ticksheatmapMATLABplotxticks

I need to change the xticks of the following matrix to be in datetime format.
randMatrix = rand(5,10)
If I plot this, the xticklables are from 1 to 10.
But I need to change them as follows.
t1 = datetime(2020,06,21,8,0,0);
t2 = datetime(2020,06,21,17,0,0);
Time = t1:hours(1):t2 ;
So, I need to replace the xticks in the heatmap with the datetime ticks of Time ?
I tried this, but could not find what I want to do.

Best Answer

Try this
randMatrix = rand(5,10);
t1 = datetime(2020,06,21,8,0,0);
t2 = datetime(2020,06,21,17,0,0);
Time = t1:hours(1):t2 ;
h = heatmap(Time, 1:5, randMatrix);