MATLAB: Changing the style in a loop with hold all…

line stylesplotting

In a loop, "hold all" successively changes the colour of the lines in a plot…
But, this is not so useful to me because:
1. It goes back to a blue line after 7 plots.
2. I am going to be printing in black and white (or grey).
I would much rather Matlab rotated between the line-styles (-, –, :, ., etc…). Is there any way to change the style, as opposed the colour?
Note: I do not want a "just create an array of strings for the styles" solution, I am aware of this solution, and it feels wrong.
D Howard

Best Answer

I found a solution to this, which I just put in your previous question.
If you set the default colororder and linestyleorder, I think it'll do what you want.
The commands are:
set(0,'defaultaxescolororder',[0 0 0; 0.5 0.5 0.5]) %black and gray
set(0,'defaultaxeslinestyleorder',{'-*',':','o'}) %or whatever you want