MATLAB: Changing the name of multiple csv files in a folder


I have a folder containing 3000 csv files. All of these are named in the format: cor0.1 sc10 fc0.1_0.csv.
I want to change the name of all of these files to c0_1f0_1_0.csv.
Is there a way i can write a loop to do this for me?

Best Answer

this is a first attempt
I prefered to create the renamed copies in a separate folder
also my code will probably need some upgrade as I don't know how the numberring inside your filenames can evolve among your 3000 files
d = dir('*.csv')
dir_out = [cd '\out']
for ci = 1:numel(d)
filename = d(ci).name;
ind_und = strfind(filename,'_'); % search underscores
ind_dot = strfind(filename,'.'); % search dots
ind_f = strfind(filename,'f'); % search "f"
new_filename = [filename(1) filename(ind_dot(1)-1) '_' filename(ind_dot(1)+1) filename(ind_f ),...
filename(ind_dot(2)-1) '_' filename(ind_dot(2)+1) '_' filename(end-4:end)];