MATLAB: Changing slider limit in gui

app designercallbackguiimage processingMATLAB

is there anyway i could get the slider to update the limit to the image count Ct?
It seems that the app.Slider.Limits only accepts numerical values – at the moment it is set at 2. How can in incorperate the .Count function into the slider limit so the limit automatically updates with the value of .Count should i decide to import another file with a different .Count value?
How can I add a listener function here also?
Imported imageSet code
% Button pushed function: LoadImageButton
function LoadImageButtonPushed(app, event)
global Ct
imgSetVector = imageSet(uigetdir(''),'recursive');
Z = read(imgSetVector,1);
Ct = imgSetVector.Count;
Slider Code
app.Slider = uislider(app.UIFigure);
app.Slider.Limits = [1 2]; **
app.Slider.MajorTicks = [];
app.Slider.MajorTickLabels = {''};
app.Slider.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @SliderValueChanged, true);
app.Slider.MinorTicks = [];
app.Slider.Position = [296 36 321 3];
app.Slider.Value = 1;

Best Answer

Try to set the slider limit after this line
Ct = imgSetVector.Count;
app.Slider.Limits(2) = Ct;