MATLAB: Changing scientific notation to long format

format longscientific notationsprintf

Hi all,
I have written the following program to calculate the crosswind for a runway:
function [] = crosswind()
fprintf('\n----- Crosswind -------------------------------------------------- \n');
while 1
% Numerically Defining Input Responses
yes = 1;
Yes = 1;
yEs = 1;
yeS = 1;
YEs = 1;
yES = 1;
YeS = 1;
YES = 1;
y = 1;
Y = 1;
no = 2;
No = 2;
nO = 2;
NO = 2;
n = 2;
N = 2;
%fprintf('\nWelcome to the crosswind component calculator. \n')
%fprintf('This funciton is not a substitute for instructor input. \n');
%fprintf('Input directions in degrees, and velocity in knots. \n\n');
% Asking for Information
runwayDesignator = input('Two digit runway identifier: ');
windDegrees = input('Direction wind is from in degrees: ');
windMagnitude = input('Wind speed in knots: ');
% Computing Information
runwayDegrees = runwayDesignator * 10;
difference = abs( runwayDegrees - windDegrees );
multiplier = sind( difference );
crossWind = abs( windMagnitude * multiplier );
% Printing the Result
if crossWind >= 20
fprintf(2, '\nThere are %d knots of crosswind for runway %d. \n', crossWind, runwayDesignator)
if crossWind < 20
fprintf('\nThere are %d knots of crosswind for runway %d \n', crossWind, runwayDesignator)
% Asking for further responses / exiting
fprintf('\nWould you like to calculate the crosswind for another runway?\n');
answerA = input('Type response here: ');
if answerA == 2
For example to run the funciton input the numbers:
The funciton works, but I would like the result to be printed in non scientific notation. To do this I tried to insert a like such as:
crossWindLong = sprintf('%2.2f', crossWind);
But when I input this, and run the funciton keeping the input vairables (12, 360 and 20) the same, the function returns some garbage result.
How would I avoid this?

Best Answer

Select an appropriate option (such as long g) with the format function.