MATLAB: Changing numbers near X-axis when plotting


Hi, I import some computation results (single dimension arrays) to Matlab and trying to plot them. However I don't want X-axis labels to be shown as array indexes, I need them to be shown as [Array index]*some_number.
Those computations are are obtained from a difference scheme (uniform grid), for example:
I have X-segment [0,10] and 101 points in my scheme (covering the whole segment with a step 0.1), so as a result I get an array res_1,res_2,…res_99,res_101.
I read it via dlmread(res) and plot, thus getting X-axis labels: 1,2,…,99,101.
But I'd like to have X-axis labels to be shown as: 0,0.1,…,9.9,10.
It seems I should include multiplication of each number on X-axis when drawing X-axis labels (multiplying by step of the grid, 0.1 in current example), but I can't figure how to do this.

Best Answer

This works!
For a single plot:
xtk = get(gca, 'XTick') % Get 'XTick' values

xtklbl = xtk * 0.1; % Multiply by ‘0.1’

set(gca, 'XTick', xtk, 'XTickLabel',xtklbl) % Replace 'XTickLabel' values

xlabel('X-Axis Indices x 0.1')
axis([0 100 ylim])
For subplots:
V = randi(25, 1, 101); % Create data
subplot(2,1,1) % Plot ‘V’ using indices
xlabel('X-Axis Indices')
axis([0 100 ylim])
hsp2 = subplot(2,1,2) % Plot ‘V’ using indices, then change them
xtk = get(hsp2, 'XTick') % Get 'XTick' values
xtklbl = xtk * 0.1; % Multiply by ‘0.1’
set(hsp2, 'XTick', xtk, 'XTickLabel',xtklbl) % Replace 'XTickLabel' values
xlabel('X-Axis Indices x 0.1')
axis([0 100 ylim])