MATLAB: Changing intensities (dB) of a sound file at certain frequencies


Is there a way to parse through a sound file (in .wav format) and adjust (increase/decrease) its intensity in decibels at certain frequencies? I have tried to do FFT to get the frequency domain, then adjusting the magnitude of the soundfile by multiplying with a constant value. Then use ifft to return to the time domain.
[y1, Fs] = audioread('sound.wav');
Y = fft(y1);
% decrease intensity of lower frequencies
Y(1:1000)= Y(1:1000) .* 0.25;
y2 = ifft(Y);
soundsc(y2, Fs);
This does not work and gives the error : "Error using soundsc (line 25) Audio data must be real and floating point."
Here is an example of what I want to do in Matlab (0:50 – 1:20):
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advanced!

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