MATLAB: Changing inside parameter of a block from Simulink library

batteryparameter changesimulink library

I want to change a parameter inside Battery Block from Simulink Library. When I try to change it, I am receiving a warning message
"Attempt to change parameters of a block within a library link. These changes can later be discarded or propagated to the library."
Parameter, that I want to change is in Matlab 2010b -> Simulink Library -> SimpowerSystems -> Battery Block -> Model Continuous -> Gain Block with (3600).
Do you think it is safe to change this kind of parameters inside library blocks or is it dangerous to do it?
Thanks in Advance,

Best Answer

Hi Deniz,
when you do this, the link to the library will break. Later you have two options: (a) updating the library with your changed block (but this changes the block then for ALL models using this block), (b) undo the changes (i.e., taking a "fresh" copy from the library) or (c) break the link entirely (no connection between library and block anymore). I would rather not use option (a), the other two are "safe" ...