MATLAB: Changing from char variable to another input

charinputMATLABmatrix manipulationtext;

Forgive my naivity on this one. How can I change a 1×47004 char to a matrix which has letters/words in some cells and numbers in the rest? At present I have the following 6×6 cell.
1×47004 char [] [] [] [] []
1×45843 char [] [] [] [] []
1×46992 char [] [] [] [] []
1×46432 char [] [] [] [] []
1×46459 char [] [] [] [] []
1×48191 char [] [] [] [] []

Best Answer

Your *.mot files are coming in as one very long character array.
You can either try to parse it character-by-character into a cell array, or table, or structure, etc... OR import your data differently.
Try using the readtable function
Try this:
for i = 1 : nfiles
data{i} = readtable(fullfile(testfiledir, matfiles(i).name));