MATLAB: Changing FontSizeMin when using hgexport


Using R2014b, I have a figure that includes text, and I am using hgexport to save this figure to the clipboard using the following code:
figure1 = gcf
For some reason the text (which is set to fontsize 6 on the figure) gets reset to fontsize 8 when exporting. How do I set FontSizeMin to be 6 or less from the command line call?

Best Answer

This works. Credit to Matlabber-
You can assign a variable containing export settings using 'factorystyle', view them all by typing variable, then modify as needed:
NewStyle = hgexport('factorystyle');
%%view all settings:
%%reset appropriate settings:
NewStyle.FontSizeMin = 4;
%%export figure with new settings: