MATLAB: Changing default values for inputdlg()

changing default values for inputdlg()

I'm trying to work out a way such that if a user inputs some values into a dialogue box then exits it, those previous values are saved and then reused as the default values when the user open it again.
I've tried using the command in a loop with variables for the default answers which I then change i.e with m = answer(1). But when I try using variables instead on actual numbers like {'1', '2', '3'}, I get an error saying 'Default Answer must be a cell array of strings.'
Does anyone know how this may be done?

Best Answer

Michael, does this do what you need?
defaultanswer = {'20','hsv'};
for ii = 1:2
prompt ={'Enter the matrix size for x^2:',...
'Enter the colormap name:'};
name = 'Input for Peaks function';
numlines = 1;
defaultanswer = inputdlg(prompt,name,numlines,defaultanswer);
I suspect that your variables are numeric, in which case you need to convert to string, using, e.g., the num2str command.