MATLAB: Changing data in excel from NA to a previous number in the column

data acquisitiondata analysisexcelimporting excel data

I would like to change NA values for tempreature sensors with a previous number in the same column, to make the values consistent. The columns are more than 10000 rows (cells) of reported data, that's why it has to be automated?

Best Answer

T = readtable('filename.csv'); % read the file as table
T = fillmissing(T,'previous'); % fill NaNs with previous values
[r,c] = find(isnan(T{:,:})); % check remaining NaN present as a first value in the columns
if(~(isempty(r) && isempty(c)))
T(r,c) = {0}; % fIll with zeros
writetable(T,'filename.csv'); % write the table to file