MATLAB: Changing Bar width of plotResiduals


I'm using plotResiduals to plot the histogram graph, and am wondering if you can specify the width of the histrogram bars, or the number of them? I can't seem to find anything about specifying on the plotResiduals Help Center page.

Best Answer

It is quite strange that mathwork has made it quite difficult to extract data out of plotResiduals function or plot. The following code shows one way. The following code shows one way to change the width of the bars by extracting the data from the plotResiduals figure and then creating a new figure using bar() function.
load carsmall
tbl = table(MPG,Weight);
tbl.Year = categorical(Model_Year);
mdl = fitlm(tbl,'MPG ~ Year + Weight^2');
p = plotResiduals(mdl);
vert = p.Vertices;
vert(1:5:end,:) = [];
hist_data = blockproc(vert, [4 2], @(x) mean(,:)));
bar(hist_data(:,1), hist_data(:,2), 'BarWidth', 0.7);