MATLAB: Changing arrays of a matrix

matrix deformation

if we have a matrix and we want to change the position of its array, rows and columns simultaneously, using two index vector B1 and B2, how can we use this command, i.e for instance u=[u11 u12 u13 u14;u21 u22 u23 u24;u31 u32 u33 u34;u41 u42 u43 u44]; B1=[1 4 3 2] B2=[3 2 1 4](B1 and B2 themselves are columns of a matrix) such that B1 is used for changing rows and B2 for changing columns, so u would be u=[u13 u12 u11 u14;u43 u42 u41 u44;u33 u32 u31 u34; u23 u22 u21 u24] thanks

Best Answer

You can simply use the index vectors to resort rows and columns:
u = [11 12 13 14; ...
21 22 23 24; ...
31 32 33 34; ...
41 42 43 44];
B1 = [1 4 3 2];
B2 = [3 2 1 4];
u = u(B1, B2);
>> u =
13 12 11 14
43 42 41 44
33 32 31 34
23 22 21 24