MATLAB: Changing array size of user input data


I am working on a script to take user input for a number, then create an array with 5 columns from 1 to said number. I am having trouble changing the array from a inputX1 matrix to an inputX5 could someone help me please. I tried to use the reshape function but since the input can be a nonmultiple of 5 the function doesn't work all the time. Here is the code
% clc
name=input('Enter name:','s');
% Ask user to input name
number=input('Enter a whole number between 1 and 100:');
% Ask user for a whole number between 1 and 100
while number<1 || number>100 || round(number)~=number
% a while function that performs actions under if number doesn't meet
% specifications
display('Not a valid number please try again')
number=input('Enter a whole number between 1 and 100:')
% End while loop
% Create array from 1 to input number
% Set entry position to 0 for start of loop
disp('Thank you!')

Best Answer

myCell = {}; k = 0;
for i = 1:5:number
k = k + 1;
myCell{k,1} = i:min(i+4,number);
p.s: this is not an "optimal" solution.