MATLAB: Changing a symbolic differentiation term to a variable.

calculusMATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematricesmatrixrenamesymbolic

The issue I have ran into is that I have taken a symbolic derivative and I am hoping to simpliy the naming format. This is a sample of the code that I am doing currently and the output I am getting.
syms t phi(t)
phi = phi(t);
M = [cos(phi) (-sin(phi)) 0
sin(phi) cos(phi) 0
0 0 1];
M_dot = diff(M,t)
M_dot =
[ -sin(phi(t))*diff(phi(t), t), -cos(phi(t))*diff(phi(t), t), 0]
[ cos(phi(t))*diff(phi(t), t), -sin(phi(t))*diff(phi(t), t), 0]
[ 0, 0, 0]
My goal is to be able to rename the "diff(phi(t),t)" so that it simplifies my longer matrices. I have tried the subs(s, new, old) function and it returned an error so I need to find a different way.
Let me know what you all think. Thank you.

Best Answer

syms dphi_dt
subs(M_dot, diff(phi), dphi_dt)
However, if you have multiple derivative levels, this will not find them. For example if you had diff(phi,t,t) then this would leave that alone rather than constructing diff(dphi_dt,t) or diff(dphi_dt(t),t)
Also, be careful: differentiating the result with respect to t will treat dphi_dt as a constant unless you do
syms dphi_dt(t))
subs(M_dot, diff(phi), dphi_dt)