MATLAB: Changing a parameter in a differential equation according to a condition

differential equationseventsmodelodeode45

I am trying to change the input wheel velocities of a mobile robot according to a position condition ?
if d > 0 & d < 0.4
p.WR = 0.51;
p.WL = 0.5;
elseif d > 0.4 & d < 0.8
p.WR = 0.5;
p.WL = 0.51;
elseif d == 0.4
p.WR = 0.5;
p.WL = 0.5;
function dt = mydglw9(t,c,p)
x = c(1);y = c(2);th = c(3);
dx = (((p.r*p.WL)+(p.r*p.WR))/2) * cos(th);
dy = (((p.r*p.WL)+(p.r*p.WR))/2) * sin(th);
dth= ((p.r*p.WL)-(p.r*p.WR))/p.L;
dt = [dx;dy;dth];
pose = [x y th];
however i always get the error [ Reference to non-existent field 'WL' ], is there a way to make the solver check the condition before solving the differential equations ?

Best Answer

What values does ‘d’* have?
Note that in this if block, if ‘d<=0’ or ‘d>=0.8’, the if block will not execute and the values within it will not be assigned.