MATLAB: Change width of the bar figure at waitbar – MATLAB R2015a

MATLABmatlab gui

How could I control the width of the percentage bar inside a waitbar in Matlab R2015a? I tried using the following command:
childrenWaitb = get(HWait, 'Children') ;
set(childrenWaitb, 'Position',[10.8000 13.5000 320 9]);
It works perfectly in Matlab R2012b, but in R2015a the 'Waitbar' string is placed in the middle, and the percentage bar does not change width at all….
The complete code I used is below:
HWait = waitbar(0,'Waitbar 1', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.25 0.4 0.3 0.08]);
set(HWait,'Name','Tests running');
childrenWaitb = get(HWait, 'Children') ;
set(childrenWaitb, 'Position',[10.8000 13.5000 320 9]);

Best Answer

Here is one way to do it :
% Create the waitbar
HWait = waitbar(0,'Waitbar 1','Name','Tests running');
% Change the Units Poreperty of the figure and all the children
set(findall(HWait),'Units', 'normalized');
% Change the size of the figure
set(HWait,'Position', [0.25 0.4 0.3 0.08]);