MATLAB: Change Transfer Function on a Neural Network

neural network

I'm trying to compare the results of different neural networks that use different transfer functions.
What i'm trying to do is to create a neural network with the properties of a radial basis network, and then change the transfer function.
I'm feeling pretty lost with the matlab documentation. For now, the only thing a found out was that I had to change net.layers{1}.transferFcn.
First I create the network using newrb. Then I change the transferFcn. But now I have to train the network using the new transfer function. If I just call the train function, it says that the trainFcn is undefined, and I can't find the trainFcn that radial basis network uses.
Can anybody give me a clue of how I can do this? Thank you!

Best Answer

The training logic for NEWRB is quite different from the other nets. I doubt very much if it is possible to do what you propose.