MATLAB: Change TITLE font size of the message box.


I'm trying to change the TITLE font size of the message box I created.
I wrote the following:
CreateStruct.Interpreter = 'tex' ;
CreateStruct.WindowStyle = 'modal' ;
waitfor (msgbox ( '\ fontsize {15} Check for font size.' , '\ fontsize {15} Testing ...' , 'help' , CreateStruct));
which worked perfectly for the text (message). However the same cannot be said for the title.
I'm wondering why it is not applicable for the title, once the structure is exactly the same and the MATLAB documentation says that if the interpreter value is 'tex', MATLAB interprets the message and title values ​​as tex.
Any suggestions on how to solve this, would be appreciate.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I'm pretty sure you cannot format the text in the title bar. The formatting here is set by the operating system. You can set the text, but not the properties (i.e. font style, color, size, type, etc).
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