MATLAB: Change the values of a matrix using indices of another matrix

indexindexinglooploopsMATLABwhile loop

I have two matrices A and B. I want to know how do I change the values of A with using indexes of B.
A =
1 2 0 6 3
B =
1 1 0 1 0
Essentially I want to add 5 to an index of A where B==1 and keep the rest of A unchanged so I can have A be like this. I'd also prefer if someone could show me how I would do this with a while loop.
A =
6 7 0 11 3

Best Answer

mask = (B==1)
A(mask) = A(mask) + 5
if B is only zero and one then
A(logical(B)) = A(logical(B)) + 5;
and if B is already a logical variable then
A(B) = A(B) + 5;