MATLAB: Change the position of a part of the input ports of a simulink block.

port connectivityport positionsimulink block

Hello everyone,
I would like to change the position of the input ports of a simulink block. I need to put them on the bottom of a subsystem block. Does anyone have any ideas for how I can put the input ports on more than one side?
Actually I tried to modify the parameter "port connectivity", but at any attempt I get an error message saying:
*' ModelReference block parameter 'PortConnectivity' is read-only '*
This is the list of instructions that I used "
portData = get_param('ModelName/MySubsystemBlockName','PortConnectivity');
portData(1).Position = [newXValue newYValue];
set_param('ModelName/MySubsystemBlockName','PortConnectivity',portData); "
I'm wondering why we have that option, "PortConnectivity", in the parameters list of a Simulink block: if we cannot use it, and in particular in which cases we have a Simulink block where this option is write permitted?
Any help?
thanks in advance

Best Answer

AFAIK, it is currently not possible to change the positions of input/output ports on a Simulink block. The best you can do it Rotate/Flip your block, but the relative positions of the ports will be unchanged.
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