MATLAB: Change the function calling name instead of rename the file


I have a script where I call, several times, a function called FCN in its code. I'm testing different functions for my problem. But for each one I want to test I must rename that file to FCN.m so it is called correctly by the script.
Let's say I want to keep the files named as FCN1.m, FCN2.m, FCN3.m, …, but in my script (Main.m) I would like that I type somewhere the name of the file with the function I want to test and when i call y = FCN(x,z) it will understand which of the files I`m testing.

Best Answer

Anonymous function (look for them in the help, and/or for function handles) at the top of your test script:
FCN = @(x,z) FCN1(x,z) ;
and then calling FCN() will call FCN1..