MATLAB: Change the content in an m-file based on check-box input from gui


I have a checkbox in my gui based on which i want to make some changes in another m-file & later run it.
The format of other m-file is like this:-
tclstart = {...
'# ...there is further code above.. #',...
'# .......................... #',...
'set compile 1',...
'# .......................... #',...
'# there is further code below'
Based on check-box value
get(h.checkbox1, 'Value');
if it is 1,i want set compile to be 1 in that m-file otherwise 0 as an m-file is similar to txt file,i'm doing this-
content = fileread('tcl.m'); % name of that other m-file
index = regexp(content,'set compile')
Here i'm getting starting index of the matched sub-string,now how can i change the value from 1 to 0/vice-versa.

Best Answer

newvalue = char('0' + get(h.checkbox1, 'Value'));
newcontent = regexprep(content, '(?<=set compile\s+)[01]', newvalue);