MATLAB: Change text to numbers in a cell


Hi all,
Lets say I have 4 x 2 cell matrix A:
1 'text one' 'text two'
2 '5' 'text two'
3 'text one' 'text two'
4 '10' 'text two'
I want the result of a 4 x 2 cell matrix A of all doubles, exept for the last column. The 'text one' has to be replaced by 1 (double):
1 1 'text two'
2 5 'text two'
3 1 'text two'
4 10 'text two'
When I use a for-loop and if-statement I get the error that matrix dimensions must agree. Below is my faulty code:
for i = 1:size(A,1)
if A{i,2} == 'text one'
A{i,2} == 1
A{i,2} == str2double(A{i,2})

Best Answer

How about the following?
B = replace(A,'text one','1');
B = cellfun(@str2double,B(:,1:end-1),'UniformOutput',false);
A = [B,A(:,end)];