MATLAB: Change parameter values in anonymous function

anonymous function

My problem is one function passing to me a Anonymous function handle, for example,
f_handle = function1(a1,a2,....)
% Assuming f_handle = @(x,y) [a*(x+y),b*(x-y)], a and be are unknown parameters
As I only get this handle, (and I know there are two unknown parameters of a and b), now I want to change (set) the parameter values of a and b, I don't know how to do it.
b=1; a=1:10;
x = 1; y =2;
for i=1:10
% how to passing a(i) and b in the anonymouos function
mm{i} = f_handle(x,y);
Should I redefine a anonymous function or by other way?

Best Answer

b = 1;
a = 1:10;
x = 1;
y = 2;
mm = cell(1, 10);
f_handle = @(x,y,a,b) [a*(x+y),b*(x-y)];
for ii = 1:10
mm{ii} = f_handle(x,y,a(ii),b);