MATLAB: Change of function used in RBF


I am interested to know, how can I change the default Gaussian function of Radial Basis Function Neural Network to other functions such as "Cauchy, Multiquadric or inverse multiquadric.
It is mentioned in MATLAB help that it is possible to change the function via Model Setting, but I do not know where is the model setting. I am using a RBF code also nntool.
I will be appreciated if you guide me in this case.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

You misunderstood my answer.
Instead of using NEWRB which has limited flexibility, consider FITNET for regression and curvefitting or PATTERNNET for classification and pattern-recognition (Both call FEEDFORWARDNET). The catch is REPLACING
net.layers(1).transferFCN = 'tansig';
net.layers(1).transferFCN = 'radbas';
to create a RBF with much more flexibility.
After establishing a subset of baseline performances with radbas, you can replace radbas with Cauchy or other functions for comparison.
This will be much, much easier than using NEWRB.
Hope this helps.
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