MATLAB: Change marker color and size to non default color

antarcticachange marker colorchange marker sizemake marker purplemap

I am trying to plot a point on a map. I can make the map, plot my point, and change my style of my marker just fine. But I can't change the size or the color. I would like to make it a bit larger and purple, specifically, [.6 .2 1]. Can anyone help? Please see the attachment for what I have tried so far.
Here is the original code, which works, making my point blue.
load coastlines
figure('Color','w')%Colors the figure white.
axesm('stereo','Origin',[-90 0],'MapLatLimit',[-90 -30])
axis off;
framem on;
gridm on;
mlabel on;
plabel on;
geoshow(coastlat,coastlon,'DisplayType','polygon', 'FaceColor', 'white')
Thanks a bunch.

Best Answer

When you plot, the color code 'b-o' is a shortcut to indicate colour (b), linestyle (-) and marker (o), in your case you are using blue dots:
so you can change that shortcut to whatever you want
plot3(-71.166,111.366,2690,'color', [.6 .2 1],'linestyle','none','marker','.','markersize',10 )
I tried this with plot3, but probably works the same with plot3m.