MATLAB: Change loop conditions when condition passed

for loop

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to modify this loop for when an elseif condtion is executed ONCE, another condtion will be passed.
Basically, tf_r1 is a logic matrix that goes like this: 0 0 1 0 0, after my code hits 1, I want it to recongize the upcoming 0 as something else.
for k=1:5
if tf_r1(k) == 0
strcat('SF in Row 1 Column', num2str(k))
elseif tf_r1(k) == 1
strcat('NA in Row 1 Column', num2str(k))
% When the above elseif is executed ONCE, then execute this:
tf_r1(k) == 0
strcat('TA in Row 1 Column', num2str(k))
Thank you!

Best Answer

I misunderstood you.
for k=1:5
if tf_r1(k) == 0 && ~flag
strcat('SF in Row 1 Column', num2str(k))
elseif tf_r1(k) == 1
strcat('NA in Row 1 Column', num2str(k))
elseif tf_r1(k)==0 && flag
tf_r1(k) == 0
strcat('TA in Row 1 Column', num2str(k))