MATLAB: Change font size of every components in uifigure(app designer) by following the uifigures’s size

app designerfont sizeMATLABwindow size

I've created several uifigures by app designer.
And now I am trying to change the font sizes of every components (ex) Label, tabel, textbox etc… following the uifigure's window size.
I mean if the uifigure size is increased then font sizes are also increased, if uifigure is decreased then also decreased.
But it was answered for figure which was created from GUIDE not App Designer so when I tried, the command
h = findall(gcf, '-property', 'fontsize')
This made a new figure not found current uifigure's property.
So I am wondering there's any other solution which can solve my problem.
Well, if it's hard to do it in app designer, then is it possible to convert uifigure into figure not breaking the file?

Best Answer

Don't mind people!
I've figured out!
For app designer,
I coded like this!
app.h = findobj(app.UIFigure, '-property', 'FontSize');
app.hFontSize = cell2mat(get(app.h,'FontSize'));
position = app.UIFigure.Position;
widthF = position(3);
newFontSize = double(widthF) * app.hFontSize / 1463.0;
set(app.h,{'FontSize'}, num2cell(newFontSize));