MATLAB: Change DEFAULT properties DataAspectRatioMode and PlotBoxAspectRatioMode to ‘auto’


How can I change the Default figure properties? In 2017a DataAspectRatioMode and PlotBoxAspectRatioMode were set to Auto by default. In 2017b it is by default set to Manual. I want to change it to Auto for all figures, not having to change it for each figure individually. There must be a way…

Best Answer

Any groot defaults are just that: defaults. If a value is not overridden by the user, it remains default. Otherwise, the default value is ignored.
The pdemesh function calls either pdeplot or pdeplot3D to do the legwork. Both of these then have axis equal in them. Calling axis equal (or likely any input to the axis function other than auto) changes the aspect ratio, thereby negating the default values, and setting mode to manual.