MATLAB: Centering annotation over subplot


I'm trying to center a textbox annotation over a subplot. I have a 2×2 subplot and I want titles over the columns, centered for each column. I don't want to just use title() because it shrinks the axes of the upper plots, so they are not the same as the axes on the bottom row.
I've tried using the x position of the upper subplot like so:
hLF1 = subplot(2,2,1); bxA = boxplot([1:10;1:10]','labels',{'On','Off'}); ylabel('LabelY')
annot_LF_pos = [mean(hLF1.Position([1,3])), 0.775, 0.3, 0.2];
'FontSize',22,'HorizontalAlignment', 'center')
But that didn't really center it. I know I can hack around with numbers, but I'm hoping for a better solution.
I'm not tied to using an annotation, so any other suggestions are welcome!

Best Answer

You could try to use text instead and use the x and y limits instead of the axis position, see below:
'FontSize',22,'HorizontalAlignment', 'center','VerticalAlignment','Bottom')