MATLAB: Centered transform when applying image registration

3d imagesregistration

I'm registering set of MR images (512x512x28) using imregister but it's not working well in my case because I want that the sets are registered based on the prostate (later I'll focus on prostate segmentation, so I need that they are aligned). So, I intend to use the center of the prostate in the fixed image as the rotation center and then use the vector between the fixed image center and the moving image center as the initial translation to be applied after the rotation. The issue is that I don't know how to do that by using imregister, can someone help me?
Thank you

Best Answer

Basically, then you're saying you want the registration algorithm to give more priority to the prostate alignment than to the rest of the anatomy? The only thing I can think of is that you might try to crop MR1 and MR2 to a smaller general region of the prostate, if you know it. If the prostate anatomy dominates the images, it will obviously get a lot of priority.