MATLAB: Cell2mat issue


Hi I have this code. It produces a 30 year sliding window for my data. The data is daily over around 230 year and the code puts it in a cell array 208×1 with each cell around 10958×1 and I'm having an issue with cell2mat whereby it takes all of my data and puts it in one column rather than the 208 it should be in. How can I solve this?
%%Data Loading
close all
clear all
cet = load ('cet_1772_2009.asc', '-ascii'); % Loads CET from asc file.
year = cet(:,1);
temp = cet(:,4);
day = cet(:,3);
month = cet(:,2);
% Loads Data from CET asc file and sets vectors
%%Constants and vectors
dates = datenum([year,month,day]);
%%30 Year Periods
for Year=StartYear:(EndYear-Period)
%%Detrend, mean etc
meancell = cellfun(@(T32)mean(T32),T32,'un',0);
meanT = cell2mat(meancell);
detrendcell = cellfun(@detrend,T32,'UniformOutput',false);
detrendcell = cell2mat(detrendcell);

Best Answer

The cells in your data meancell and detrendcell have different length of data, that is why they have to be in a cell array. You can reference its data using {} and (), meancell{2}(100) for example. Why do you want to use cell2mat()? What is the purpose and your expected outcome?