MATLAB: Cell to 3D Matrix

3darraycatcellMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematrixreshape

Hi, I've found many similar questions relating the transformation from cell-array to 3D matrix, but none of the solutions worked for me (or I was unable to adapt the solutions for my problem)
I have a (20×1) cell array and each cell contains a 360×900 matrix. Optimally, the new 3D matrix has the dimension 900x20x360 but 360x900x20 would also work for me.
Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

mycell = repmat({rand(360,900)},20,1);
% this is what you currently have
mat3D = permute(cat(3,mycell{:}),[2 3 1]);
whos mat3D % [900,20,360]