MATLAB: Cell editable callback

edit callbackuitable

When I want to read data from uitable, I can read only the first 5 rows, how to do, that I could read and send data from six and more rows?
For example, i have uitable 10×2, and when i wrote a number, it would sent to controller, everything fine from the first until fourth rows,but when i wrote to the fifth and bigger row it don't send anything. So I understand, that uitable CellEditCallback works up to 5th row. and I need that it would work from 1st until 10th row.
Code is simple: data(1,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw300'); data(1,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw330'); data(2,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw301'); data(2,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw331'); data(3,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw302'); data(3,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw332'); data(4,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw303'); data(4,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw333'); data(5,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw304'); data(5,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw334'); data(6,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw305'); data(6,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw335'); data(7,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw306'); data(7,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw336'); data(8,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw307'); data(8,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw337'); data(9,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw308'); data(9,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw338'); data(10,1)=ddereq(channel,'mw309'); data(10,2)=ddereq(channel,'mw339'); ddereg-sends to controller. It works from data(1,1) until data (5,1) data (5,1) until data(10,2) don't work.

Best Answer

I don't know why you've chosen that way, but if you have a figure with a uitable in it:
% Create uitable
% retrieve handle to uitable
tH = findobj(gcf,'Type','uitable');
% retrieve data
data = get(tH,'Data')
If you're having issues when using a callback please post the whole code.