MATLAB: Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object error


Error: Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object. I know that a input must be a cell array but thin is I don't know where went wrong when I put in a cell array…
Here's the code:
function subset = GetClassSubsetIndexes(classes)
oldClassLabel = 'nekaLabela';
for i=1 : 1 : length(classes)
if oldClassLabel ~= classes{i}
oldClassLabel = classes{i};
subset = cat(1, subset, i);
%now put end indicies
for i=2 : 1 : size(subset,1)
endIndex = subset(i, 1);
subset(i-1, 2) = endIndex-1;
subset(size(subset,1), 2) = length(classes);
Need help Thanks!!! Ps: please don't close the question, it's quite important to me…

Best Answer

Your code is written to assume that LDA is called with the second parameter being a cell array of strings, but you are instead calling it with the second parameter being a column vector of double (such as a class number.)