MATLAB: Cell contents assignment to a non-cell array object

cell arraysfor loopimage processing

I am trying to store the results of a for loop in a cell array but I get the following error:
Cell contents assignment to a
non-cell array object.
Error in Untitled_2 (line 7)
C{x} = Noise_x;
Here is my code:
Image = imread('C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\bin\face.jpg');
C = zeros(1:10);
for x = 1:16
i = randn(1);
Noise_x = imnoise(Image,'gaussian',i);
C{x} = Noise_x;
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

C = zeros(1:10);
This defines C as a double class array with 10 dimensions.
C{x} = ...
This attempts to populate a cell class element of C array, but you receive an error because C is a double class array. You can fix this by changing your original definition of C.
C = cell(1); % This will create a 1x1 array of blank cells
Then you can just use your C{x} line that you already have to populate the desired values into cell x.
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