MATLAB: Cell array conversion to numeric array

cell arrayscell conversioncell2matMATLAB

hi, i have a cell array that contains numbers and im trying to convert it to numeric array by using the 'cell2mat' command. but i keep getting error:
**** Error using cat Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in cell2mat (line 84) m{n} = cat(1,c{:,n}); ********
what does it mean? why is it happening? and how can i fix it?
thank you

Best Answer

If you have
v={[1 2 3] , [ 2 5] , 4}
w=cell2mat(v) % horizontal concatenation is possible
v={[1 2], [3 ; 5]}
cell2mat(v) % is not possible because you can't concatenate the two vectors
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