MATLAB: CD to OneDrive doesn’t work on Windows 10 build 16273.1


I recently upgraded to the newest version of the Windows available to insiders and now I can't CD to OneDrive in Matlab. I can still use "dir" to list the contents of the OneDrive folder, and I can even view the files in it that I had open previously, but I can't actually change the working directory to reach them. Symbolic linking and shortcuts also don't work. I can still cd to OneDrive from both Windows command line and the WSL terminal, so it seems to be a Matlab specific problem.

Best Answer

If you disable the "Files OnDemand" feature of OneDrive, you should be able to access OneDrive files from MATLAB. This is a MATLAB specific issue and there is no workaround in R2017b or any of the earlier versions. A solution may be available in releases after R2017b
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