MATLAB: Can’t the variable “sumt” in the for loop keep on adding numbers


function out = blur(m,w)
[r,c] = size(m);
out = ones(r,c)*255;
for kk= 1:c
for ll = 1:r
out(kk,ll) = finddims(m,kk,ll,w,r,c);
function ave = finddims(mat,x,y,w,row,col)
sumt = 0;
cou =0;
i1= x-w;
i2 = x+w;
j1 = y-w;
j2 = y+w;
if i1<1
i1 =1;
elseif i2>col
i2 = col;
if j1<1
j1 = 1;
elseif j2>row
j2 = row;
for mm= i1:i2
for nn = j1:j2
sumt = sumt + mat(nn,mm); % sum doesn't keep on adding in the loop
cou = cou+1;
ave = uint8(sumt/cou);

Best Answer

"Why can't the variable "sumt" in my for loop keep on adding numbers?"
Because of the class of mat.
Most likely mat has class uint8 (if you are dealing with images), in which case you need to pay attention to what happens when you add a scalar double and a scalar integer:
scalar integer + scalar double => scalar integer
So although sumt starts of being double (i.e. 0), the first time that you do that sum the output is integer, which means sumt is integer, which means that it is limited to 255 (or the maximum for whatever integer class your data has).
The solution is simple: use double to convert the integer before adding:
sumt = sumt + double(mat(nn,mm));
% ^^^^^^^ ^ you need this!