MATLAB: Can’t set Biograph edges individually

biographBioinformatics Toolbox

I would like to set some edge properties individually (color, linewidth, etc). Although this looks like it should be possible (since interrogating these properties return a cell array (with a scalar value for each edge)), trying to set these properties fails!
Example: %Create a matrix & labels cm = [0 1 1 0 0;1 0 0 1 1;1 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 1;1 0 1 0 0]; ids = {'M30931','L07625','K03454','M27323','M15390'}; bg2 = biograph(cm,ids);
%Getting the linewidths returns a cell array The_Linewidths=get(bg2.edges,'linewidth')
%But trying to set the linewidths with a cell array (even the one returned!) fails! set(bg2.edges,'linewidth',The_Linewidths)
Error using biograph.edge/set Parameter must be scalar.
Any ideas? Otherwise… it's back to graphviz! (Which I think does this…)

Best Answer

bg2.edges is an array of biograph.edge objects. With set you can set the LineWidth porperty of multiple objects to the same line width. To set each biograph.edge to a different line width you need to use a for-loop.
for i = 1:numel(The_Linewidths)
HTH Lucio