MATLAB: Can’t run matcreat.cpp in Windows


I want to use C++ code to produce .mat files under 64 bit Windows 10 with mingw MSYS2. Therefore, I wanted to take a look at the example matcreat.cpp (MATLAB command:
edit([matlabroot '/extern/examples/eng_mat/matcreat.cpp']);
). In contrast to compilation error, I can successfully compile the cpp file with the following command:
g++ -c -I/c/Program\ Files/MATLAB/R2016a/extern/include matcreat.cpp -o matcreat.o
g++ -o matcreat matcreat.o -L/c/Program\ Files/MATLAB/R2016a/bin/win64 -lmex -lmat -lmx -leng -lstdc++
But when I run the program with
I get the error message
my_directory/matcreat.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
although I added
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\bin\win64
to my Windows environment variable. Any ideas to solve that problem are highly appreciated.

Best Answer

Since some other files, which worked before, did not work anymore, I thought about my previous changes and found out that I had the same MATLAB path as global as well as user specific path variable. Deleting the user specific one solved the problem and everything is working now.