MATLAB: Can’t pass parameters from a mask to a subsystem


I've got a subsystem model with a Constant block whose constant value is "m".
I masked the subsystem and on the parameters tab I added a line with the following items:
#: 1, Prompt: multiplier, Variable: m, Type: edit, …
In my top model I added a reference to the masked subsystem model. Within the top model I double-clicked on the masked model and entered a value for "m" on the "Model Reference (mask)" dialog.
But when I run the model, it tells me that m is undefined in the subsystem model. I tried creating a new variable called m in the Matlab workspace and re-running the model. That worked. So I can pass a parameter value from the Matlab workspace to my subsystem model but not from the subsystem mask. What am I doing wrong with the mask?
Thanks in advance for helping. Matt

Best Answer

Are you masking a Model block, or a subsystem?
It sounds like you added a mask to a subsystem in your top description. However, the "Model Reference (mask)" dialog makes it sounds like you are entering the parameter in a Model block mask.
Passing parameters into a Model Reference requires that you add the parameter to the model's Model Workspace (View -> Model Explorer) and then designate the variable as a parameter in the "Model Arguments" list. Then you can mask the Model block, and override parameters.
So, in summary
  1. Add m to the model's model workspace
  2. Write "m" in the Model Arguments option (found in the model worksapce)
  3. In the particular instance of the Model block, right-click and select Model Reference parameters, and then put "m" in the Model Arguments.
  4. Mask the Model block the way you have done.
Give that a try and let us know if you have any more problems.